Evasion of Truth and Lying down of Lies
Gerry Lobo OFM

John of the Cross in the 17th century articulated in a volume his mystical experience of life as “Dark night of the soul.” The citizens of this ancient land are journeying through the “dark days,” existentially, passing through the tunnel of uncertainty and ambiguity even though externally ‘shining’ signs of spectacular advancement in science and technology visibly rob the eyes of the ordinary who delights in the plenty but languishes in all forms of poverty. Pope Francis speaks of the “dark clouds over a closed world” in Fratelli Tutti. The empty promises trumpeted as election manifesto and the announcement of Fairy Tale goodies during the initial stage of the majoritarian government at the national level have all been discarded into a garbage dump, while new yojanas have been continuously being announced.

The election results clearly reveal the insensible, unquestioned, unconcerned and haphazard manner in which franchise is exercised by the enlightened and the ignorant ones. Responsibility towards a nation’s well-being does not seem to be the priority for a large number of voters today. Lack of critical thinking on national issues, and voicing out in order to disturb the consciences of men and women in the forefront of governance, have provided a golden opportunity for the political leaders to find advantage over the populace and easily trample over their weakness or benumb them. What is also shocking to observe is that the educated, intelligent and dynamic youth of our nation have not emerged as the critique of the prevailing scenario on different levels. Only the vibrant young generation can lead forward this country towards democratic freedom, to “where the mind is without fear and the head is held high” (R. Tagore).

Passive spectacle will no longer liberate our free nation from the many oppressions surfacing day by day. Involved commitment of students at the varied levels of education, the young work force in entrepreneurs and establishments and the intellectual force behind the desk and before the knowledge sources require rising up to face the demons of destruction and desolation. The powers insidiously opposing the creative energy and the open colloquy of the concerned minds and hearts will definitely try to eliminate the spirit crying out for justice and fairness, harmony and integrity. The one-year-long Farmers’ Protest speaks volumes. The farmers of Punjab and Uttar Pradesh dared to die. Liberation of the oppressed has been always possible in history only by constant pressure, until the Pharaohs of the world melt down at the flame of fire created by those who position themselves in the forefront of a revolution.

Those within the institutional security often remain comfortable. Their food, clothing and shelter is secured; whereas the man on the hunt for a job, a mother on the run for the education of her child and an aged longing for companionship have only the sun shining over them and the cold freezing them to death. Not only do the elected to political high offices often deliberately numb themselves to human realities of degradation socially and economically, but also do those who elect them enclose themselves with whatever benefit they can derive from sources outside of themselves. What surprises one is that our high quality education births scientists and philosophers but without sensibility and neighbourliness towards humans. The privileged always have their ploys to preserve their interests, whereas others perennially remain victims of inimical forces. There is too much of an inward seeking among us, fretting about what to eat and what to wear, forgetting that we are born of a common mother, the earth which bears us and sustains us.

Human beings are existentially political beings, or else they should be on the moon! A right understanding of religion would certainly welcome the participation of all humans on earth in political issues because polis is the space where they interact. If religion is relegated to and reserved for rituals, customs, prayers and ascetical practices, as it is observed in our country, and such a kind of religion interferes in the public matters, then what is “political” turns into “religion” and vice versa. Such is the phenomenon our nation which has birthed, and is now homing the “multi-religious” is undergoing presently. One wonders if the agenda of the present ruling religion-oriented dispensation is to “saffronize secularism” (Indian Currents, December 202) during their tenure however long it might last. The educated of our nation have not voiced out their experiences which only enhances religion meddling with politics for profit. Hence elections are easily fought on religious lines and the ordinary voter is attracted by sentimentality, not reason, boosting the tainted moral of political parties. This trend will only destroy at its root what a nation such as ours has stood for ages.

With a right understanding and practice of religion, religions should involve themselves in the political sphere, if their intent is justice and integrity, humanity and harmony of all as the children of one God. Religions are for binding together with all and for bonding oneself with another where Divinity is manifested visibly. Therefore, India with a religious face need to open itself to human concerns in the political arena and not isolate religion for mere emotional and psychological satisfaction or for the false fear of God. Pope Francis stated wisely, from his own conviction and practice, the following: “...no one can demand that religion should be relegated to the inner sanctum of personal life, without influence on societal and national life, without concern for the soundness of civil institutions, without a right to offer an opinion on events affecting society” (Joy of the Gospel, 183). Playing a public role by religions in the place of making them as something very private is of paramount importance, however, always drawing a clear line between what one believes and practices (religion) and what is the concern of a public domain in society (politics).

The Indian Constitution provides for the free practice of religion across several faiths. Sadly enough the recent history of the nation speaks loudly of the polarisation found everywhere in the name of religion. Hate speeches have become a common event, an exercise fed into a system of political and social discrimination which directly has an effect on the dignity of a community of people. Incitement to violence is a daily ploy done in the name of a religion one practices. Is this adherence of the basic dharma of any religion? No, but a mockery of God who professes no religion, and a mockery of people who are loved by the same God. Adding to this vicious act, disruption of worship events and destruction of worship structures have become a licensed devotion of certain adherents of religions who, perhaps are instigated by others from their positions to perform such “holy” deeds! If one is a religion lover, then these demonic acts need to be condemned and perpetrators brought to account for it. Not only the political weights are maintaining silence about these atrocities but even the enlightened educated stalwarts are watching the scene from a distance. Perhaps, the anger for just cause has vanished from our people for fear of negative consequences on their life and positions. But can we afford it? Where is the India shining? The eerie silence and the indifference of the privileged have brought about a “haze” over the secular nation particularly during the present regime, if not a “dark night” of a tunnelled existence for the citizens of a free society. “I will not be bullied into silence,” Mohua Moitra MP, roared in one of her interventions in the Parliament sometime ago. She is right. The haze might turn into the dark night for our fellow men and women if silence is not broken and justice and right are not demanded by conscientious and responsible leaders. “Opposite of love is not hate but indifference,” stated Elie Wiesel. The indifference of the rulers towards the well-being of people has become the standard truth today. But the indifference among citizens towards the haze covering a free nation cannot be maintained any longer. The evasion of truth and the lying down of lies does not go well with those who have publicly and solemnly professed the oath to our sacred Constitution. ∎