Contact us

The Editor

Saji P Mathew ofm

Please feel free to write; and promote writers for TOGETHER
Your critical, social, psychological, political, spiritual and relevant write-ups, that promote truth, goodness, inclusivity and shared humanity, are welcome. Articles on gender issues, political concerns, social evils, people on the peripheries, tribute to great achievers etc. are appreciated.

You could write critical ‘opinion pieces’ on events and news happening around.
Thought provoking fictional writings also are welcome.
You could contribute to our regular columns:

1. Books (introducing a good and remarkable book to the readers. It's a kind of investigative and analytical review)
2. Art (introducing a good and remarkable work of Art to the readers. It's a kind of investigative and analytical review)
3. Cinema (introducing a good and remarkable film to the readers. It's a kind of investigative and analytical review)
4. Process Matters (it traces someone’s or a groups thought process and work process to arrive at a product, movement, art and literature etc.)
5. In Pictures (it is a photo story with single picture or with a few pictures. Images have to be original)

Chosen full articles will be published online; and selected articles (as far as possible completely) will be published on the printed magazine. If chosen to publish you will be informed about the same.
Your articles must be mailed to
Contact the Editor through phone if necessary: 9686062543, 9916335934

When sending a write up please send your
1. Phone number
2. Email id
3. Postal address,
4. And a photograph of yours.

The magazine Together is a conversation platform. It is an effort at making worlds meet by bringing down fearful, pretentious and defensive walls. Together is a journey, an ever-expansive journey -from me to us, from us to all of us, and from all of us to all. Let us talk, let us cross borders. The more we converse and traverse, we discover even more paths to talk about and travel together. Together is an effort to uncover our shared humanity. What God has put together, let no human, no force put asunder.