Time for New Year Resolutions: Here are a few gems of wisdom for the young.


Dare to Dream Big and Write
Down Your Life Goals

Don’t be shy to have a big dream. Most importantly, never ever tell your dreams to anyone. If you do share it with others, your goals may lose its power by people who cast their doubts. Instead, tell it to yourself in secret by writing them down in your journal and look at it every day. By writing down your goals you impress your mind that you truly mean it. You have laid the foundation or at least drawn a blueprint. And never ever say, your dreams or goals are too big or impossible. Don’t ever doubt whether they will come true or not. Furthermore, it’s better even to write down clearly what kind
of husband or spouse—the qualities you are looking for in a person. Be clear & specific. You will attract & gravitate towards it.

Educate Yourself

Focus on your education. Complete your schooling, college, and university. Keep learning constantly through reading books even after your studies are complete. You may read millions of books, but it means nothing if you fail to learn and apply those valuable insights from those books consistently.

Learn New Skills

It is wise to upgrade your skill sets. Learn to communicate well through writing, speaking and listening. Learn to tell stories. Learn to give a presentation. Learn to write stories, reports or diaries; learn computer coding/programming languages; learn new foreign languages— French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean; learn cooking, baking, stitching, gardening, farming, taking care of nature, planting trees; learn driving, singing, drawing, painting, photography, designing; learn critical thinking and problem solving; learn from your mistakes. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

Cultivate Good Habits

Learn to form good habits. Avoid drinking alcohol & smoking cigarettes. Avoid consuming unhealthy stuffs that friends offer you or ask you to do it just for fun once. You don’t know, soon
it will get too strong to break the chains of bad habits. Read books or listen to inspiring talks on YouTube. Find out what you don’t know from Google or ask good wise people.

Learn to Say ‘No’

When something is not right, say No. You can’t please everyone. Be quick to say YES to good things, and NO to bad things early on. Set healthy boundaries. Learn to stand up for yourself.

Associate with Good Friends,
Keep a Good Company

Choose your friends wisely. Spend time with good friends. If you hang out with your five friends who smoke or drink, lie or rob, you will be the sixth one to do so. Avoid associating with friends who mislead you. You tend to gravitate towards people you spend the most time with. Remember, birds of the same feather flock together.

Have Good Role Models or Heroes

These role models or heroes will inspire you
to go for your dreams. Remember, if they can achieve their dreams, so can you too. Let them guide you and motivate you to excel in life. Let them mold you and lead you. There are so many good role models in the world. Love, Respect and Accept Yourself

Nobody is like you in the whole world. You are unique, special and beautiful. So love, respect & accept yourself as you are. Avoid abusing yourself in words, thoughts and actions.

Do the Little Household Chores

Teach yourself to do the little tasks in the house. Make your bed. Clean up your messy room. Learn to wash your own clothes & dry them. Sweep & mop the floor. By taking up small tasks, you are teaching yourself to be responsible. When you are able to complete and accomplish such little things, you mature well and grow in confidence. Besides, it equips you better to face future challenges & responsibilities. Above all, you grow to be a responsible leader, not a coward who blames their past or predecessors.

Never Compare Yourself with Anyone

Avoid comparing yourself with anyone. If you keep going steadily, you will accomplish your goals and dreams. Even the slowest tortoise has the ability to win in life. Keep the ball rolling.

Stay Healthy

You have only one body, so better take care of it by eating healthy food. Avoid junk food as much as possible. Don’t make it a habit. Treat yourself on special days.

Be Honest and Avoid Telling Lies

Be truthful to yourself. Never lie, cheat or fake. Because if you tell a lie, you have to invent more lies to hide your past lies. One lie leads to telling more lies. You become a liar. Others will avoid you and thus they won’t take you seriously. Life becomes a mere joke.

Pay Yourself First

When you start working—always pay yourself first from your salary by saving at least 30%, (10% savings account, 10% Investment account, 10% charity), and live on 70% (rent, education, house, food, clothes, car, bike, etc.). It will make you financially independent.

Ask for Help

Seek help from people you trust such as teachers or any trustworthy, good person. Share your feelings and challenges with people who will help you, and not mislead you. Try not to bottle up your unpleasant feelings for too long.

Avoid Casual Sex

Your body is sacred so don’t abuse by indulging in unsafe sex. Better, avoid sex with random people. Preserve it for the right permanent partner or spouse. Casual flings or hook ups do give you instant pleasure. They don’t last longer. In truth, such acts debase you. It leaves you with many unknown, lasting consequences. Maintain your self-respect and dignity. With multiple partners, one accumulates ‘Negative Karma’ of others. And negative energies destroy your natural aura or magnetism. Some sages say that it may take as many as twelve long years to come out of one negative impression.

Avoid Gossiping and Blaming

Gossiping and blaming others or the past not a virtuous way of living a good life. Gossip & blame show how immature a person is. It’s wise to run away from people who gossip about others or blame in your presence. Soon you will become their targets. Perhaps, they already gossip about you and blame you behind your back.

Teach Yourself to Be Happy and Confident

By following the above guidelines, you will grow confident and surely excel in your life. Use it as your guide. Don’t go astray. Stay on track like the slow tortoise who was able to beat the fastest rabbit. Slow and steady wins the race. This is so true. Check it out for yourself. We Are the Citizens of the World First Finally, remember: we are all the citizens of the world first. Planet earth is our home. We are all earth’s children. None of us is alien or foreign here. None is inferior or superior. None is perfect. It means we are all imperfect. We are growing & evolving beings at our own pace. We are unique, special & uncommon.

The earth takes care of everyone. Let’s show our love by not exploiting its natural resources for our selfish gains. Let’s give back to society, nation, and the world. Be useful and serve others! ∎

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One of the best articles I have come across around this season. very practical and definitely worth trying. many thoughts shared are very much va