Respecting Women And Their Bodies


In 2022, The Indian Express released an article which read, “Domestic violence cases in India increased 53% between 2001 and 2018.” Even in the 21st century, people just don’t know how to respect another human being. In India especially, if women are the ones who are mostly ‘the abused.’ And the fun fact, is that their own parents tell them to suffer secretly, because the family’s so called “image” is greater than their daughter’s life. It is a pathetic mindset.

Dowry and alcoholism are known to be the main two popular reasons for this gruesome behaviour in India. Dowry is banned in this country but even my close ones talk about it. It still exists trust me. And when the guy does not get the promised amount of money, he behaves like he is entitled to show that rage on a woman. Like I have no idea who gives them the right to even touch another person without their consent.

Alcoholism is the other well know trigger point for such behaviours. Especially if the person has a long-term addiction, their violent behavioural tendencies might lead to harming their closed ones. Worst case scenario is when the couple has a child involved. Imagine having a drunkard dad who hits their mom every night. The child has to unlearn the violence and heal from the trauma, so that they don’t end up in the same place in the future. It is difficult to not learn the violent behaviours when you have been exposed to it all through life, from the very own place you call “home.”

Domestic violence cannot be justified no matter what. There is never a fair reason to physically harm someone. I guess people should teach their kids from a young age that they must respect a person, be it woman or a man, and that violence is never the answer for anything. It should also be included as a part of sex education, “respecting women and their bodies.” ∎

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